Fulton tunes in, tunes out on Inauguration Day

Faith Adams tunes in to President Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony Friday morning, Jan. 20, 2017.
Faith Adams tunes in to President Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony Friday morning, Jan. 20, 2017.

On Friday, President Donald Trump took his oath of office as Callaway County residents - whether excited or nervous - listened in.


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"I'll probably go home soon to watch it," said Faith Adams, proprietress of the Treasure Island Thrift Store in Fulton.

She enthusiastically welcomed her new president.

"God sets up kings and he takes them down," she said. "If you want to change things, pray."

At the Post Office Bar, Webb Langworthy and his daughter Bailey watched the ceremony play out on one of the bar's televisions.

"I did vote," Bailey Langworthy said. "I was very excited because it was my first election, and I wanted to express my civic duty, as they call it."

She and her father believe Trump will bring change in America. Webb Langworthy is especially excited about Trump's plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

Local Trump detractors also said they believed Trump was likely to bring change, though they were more worried about what type of change he might bring.

"Change is nerve-wracking," said Meghan McWilliams, a Westminster College student. "I'm hoping he'll surprise us."

She clarified that she hoped Trump would surprise her by turning out to be a good leader, especially because during his term in office she'll be graduating and seeking a job.

Back at the bar, not everyone shared Webb's enthusiasm.

"I don't want to have anything to do with Donald Trump," said Don Detwiler, who sat at the bar facing away from the television. "I don't want to watch his inauguration. I think he's a despicable man."

Travis Wagner was also blunt.

"It's a joke," he said.

His mother, Nona Wagner, nodded.

"I think he's a good business person, but he's a very rude man," she said.

Trump's rhetoric seemed to be a sticking point, even among fans.

While the now-president wasn't Sharon Vaught's first choice, overall, she was pleased with the election's outcome.

"I wanted to put an American flag in front of my store," she said. "I am conservative. I like small businesses and less government, and I don't care who gets us there."

Vaught said that while she believes Trump has good intentions, she thinks "his mouth" could get him in trouble.

"My brother is Saudi Arabian and my cousins are Muslim, so I hear it from both sides," Adams said.

While some expressed strong opinions, others were fairly neutral on the topic.

"I'm cool with it," said Mark Meier, who was out walking his puppy. "It doesn't really affect my day-to-day life."

He does, however, hope nothing "too crazy" happens during Trump's term.

"It's just another day," Larry Clark summed it up. "It's a good day for Trump."