Callaway County veterinarian, Dr. Robert Barnett, denied motions for bond reduction

Dr. Robert Barnett was in Callaway County court yesterday for two DWI arrests - one in July and the other in October - for a preliminary hearing and arraignment, respectively.

Barnett was represented by two attorneys. Andrew Popplewell is representing Barnett for the case from July and Daniel Bannister is representing him for the October case.

In the October DWI case, Barnett chose to waive a formal arraignment and pled not guilty.

Bannister made a motion for bond reduction on Tuesday, considering Barnett wears a Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor (SCRAM) bracelet to detect alcohol levels.

"(Barnett) could drink mouthwash and it would go off," Bannister said in court.

When it became uncertain if that resource would be available, Bannister said Barnett would be willing to be under other areas of home confinement because Barnett "acknowledges he has a problem." The confinement, Bannister said, would be a way "to ensure the safety of the public."