North Callaway works on safety plan

WILLIAMSBURG - North Callaway R-I Schools are taking steps to ensure the safety of their students.

Safety and Security Director Doug Kee and district building principals have been reviewing North Callaway's safety policies over the past several months, and were present to share some of what they have been working on during Thursday night's school board meeting at Williamsburg Elementary.

Kee, who also is the transportation director, said the group's main purpose has been to create a more cohesive, district-wide plan.

"I wish this was a topic we didn't have to discuss, but we can't hide our head in the sand," Kee said. "We need to be proactive and have a plan that we practice with our staff and students so they know what to do in every situation."

He presented the board with the Intruder Response Plan they have developed after consulting with law enforcement and security experts.

Kee said district officials have come up with a four-step plan: Secure the building, run, hide, fight.

Recalling that the first line of defense is to "prevent unwanted persons from getting," Kee pointed out that all of North Callaway's elementary schools already are locked during the school day, with remote opening systems controlled by building secretaries.

"We also have talked about installation of security film on the glass entrances," he said. "It's been proven to at least slow down if not prevent someone from breaking through the glass."

Kee said there are two types of intruder responses: A lockout when there is a threat outside the building, and a lockdown, when the threat is within the building.

In the event of a lockout, he said all outside activity would stop, any staff and students outside - including classes in trailers - would be moved indoors, where activity would continue as usual until the threat passed.