Kith and Kin of Callaway: Robert Ellebb

Robert Ellebb has lived in Fulton for the last 15 years with his wife and son. He is a native of the south side of Chicago.
Robert Ellebb has lived in Fulton for the last 15 years with his wife and son. He is a native of the south side of Chicago.

This column serves as a spotlight, highlighting the everyday people who work and live in Callaway County. The Fulton Sun takes a moment with someone who is not usually featured in the news, but is just as instrumental in making our community the strong and beautiful place we all know and love.

Robert Ellebb is a native of south side Chicago and has lived in Fulton for the past 15 years with his wife and son. He works as a cook in Kingdom City.

Q. What was your first job?

A. I worked at a Pizza Hut in 1978.

Q. Who most inspires you (living or dead)?

A. My wife and kids. The thing is, right now I have stage 4 stomach cancer. I've been at it for two years. I say the wife and the kids because (the doctor) gave me six months to live in January of last year, and I'm still here. My wife and everyone has been telling me, "stop dying and start living." That's what I've been doing. Ever since then I've been keeping myself busy and started back working. I ain't just gonna sit around and die like that. When I was in the hospital, my wife said, "I'm not finna let you sit here and die like this. I'm taking you home." That's where I've been. I did my annual (check-up) about three weeks ago and they can't find the cancer.

Q. What have you done in life that was most fulfilling?

A. Getting married and going to church again. Being able to move around, also. I was in a wheelchair last year, and I ain't been in that thing in over a year now. I feel good about that.

Q. What is something that you are proud of that you have been recognized for?

A. Becoming a grandfather. I love my grand babies.

Q. What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt?

A. Having a daycare. I love taking care of kids.

Q. What profession would you not like to do?

A. Being a barber (laughter). I don't want to cut no hair.

Q. What is something that nobody knows about you?

A. They wouldn't know I have cancer.

Q. What is your favorite thing about Callaway County?

A. It's peaceful and quiet. I like the big city, but it's real rough. Every five minutes you hear police cars and firetrucks. You don't hear that here.