Get to know your ballot measure: Passage of Prop C would allow medical marijuana

The state's general election is Nov. 6. This November, Callaway residents will see four Constitutional Amendments and Propositions B, C and D. The Fulton Sun will run information about each ballot measure per day until complete.

This information was provided by the Callaway County Clerk's office.

Ballot Proposition C

A "yes" vote will amend Missouri statutes to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes under state laws. This amendment does not change federal law, which makes marijuana possession, sale and cultivation a federal offense. This amendment creates regulations and licensing procedures for medial marijuana and medical marijuana facilities dispensaries, cultivation and production, and testing. This amendment creates licensing fees for such facilities. This amendment will impose a 2-percent tax on the retail sale of marijuana for medical purposes by dispensary facilities. The funds from the license fees will go to the Division of Liquor Control to administer the program to license/certify and regulate marijuana and marijuana facilities. The funds from the taxes will be used for veterans' services, drug treatment, early childhood education and public safety in communities with a medical marijuana facility.

A "no" vote will not amend Missouri statues as to the use of marijuana.