Nuclear plant to be inspected

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will conduct a baseline inspection at the Callaway nuclear power plant's Unit 1 from June 13-July 1, according to a letter from the commission that was forwarded to the Fulton Sun.

The letter, signed by Thomas R. Farnholz, chief of Engineering Branch 1, Division of Reactor Safety, was sent to Fadi Diya, senior vice president of Union Electric Co. in Fulton.

"The inspection will consist of three reactor inspectors from the NRC's Region IV office for two on-site weeks," the letter states.

The letter requested a set of documents to be provided by June 6 "to ensure a productive inspection." The list of documents included procedures for certain screenings and evaluations and a list of personnel qualified to prepare, review and approve them. Also asked for was a list with descriptions of all permanent plant modifications since the last triennial modification inspection.

The lead inspector will be Gerond A. George, senior reactor inspector, who said these kinds of inspections take place every three years.