North Callaway school district seeks PAT+ program

The North Callaway Board of Education approved to move forward for the district to become part of the PAT+ program, which helps low-income families in the school district who struggle to provide for their children.

The North Callaway district is already a partner for the Parent as Teacher (PAT) program through First Chance For Children, which provides families in need with various programs to provide for their children. First Chance for Children has four main programs - Baby Bags, Safe Cribs, Lend and Learn Toy Libraries and Parents as Teachers+ (PAT+).

"It provides us with additional resources that we can't always provide our parents," Assistant Superintendent Nicole Kemp said.

PAT+ provides home visitations from parent educators whose job is to help parents develop a learning environment suitable for their children ages zero to three, Kemp said. The educator also ensures the children are hitting certain milestones at the appropriate ages and provides additional resources for the parents. The educators also make sure the children learn appropriate play which prepares them for the school environment, Kemp added.

In North Callaway, 10 families will be contracted with the district to become involved with the PAT+ program, which originated in Boone County, but additional funding has made it possible for North Callaway to become involved.

The Lend and Learn Toy Libraries, Safe Cribs and Baby Bags are separate programs also available to PAT+ families which provide items, like age-appropriate toys, books, diapers and other necessities, according to the organization's website.

Kemp expects the North Callaway families will begin the program in December.