Celia event to be "simple' urge to focus on "building bridges'

After seven years of programs ranging from musical guests to visiting artists and authors, organizers say this year's Celia Commemoration will be a little more scaled back.

"We're keeping it kind of simple, kind of basic," said Carmen Brandt, who has spearheaded this year's efforts. "This year we're going to do an evening to honor Celia's life in song and poetry, with special reflections by Doris Handy."

Brandt said the continued goal of the Celia Commemoration, to be held at 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 21 in the Council Chambers at Fulton City Hall, is to "make people think about how we can make some changes, what we can do as a community, as individuals." The event was started to mark the anniversary of the death of Celia, a Fulton slave who was executed after being convicted of the murder of her owner.

"Our community is still somewhat segregated," she said. "We have a long way to go as far as racial equality in Callaway County, and how we can work together to educate people about diversity."

To help the tornado-stricken people of Dumas and surroundings, donations can be made to the Delta Area Disaster Relief Fund, care of the Delta Area Community Foundation, P.O. Box 894, Dumas, AR, 71639, or through the Arkansas Community Foundation, 700 S. Rock St., Little Rock, AR, 72202.