Zweifel begins discussion on mental health in Missouri

Missouri State Treasurer Clint Zweifel thinks Missouri has a serious problem with helping our mentally ill.

"We are working to make sure the state is investing in things like housing paired with treatment to make sure our mentally ill aren't living on the streets," he said. "We think there should be a wholistic approach to helping our mentally ill and if we can, we can help save them and they can thrive."

Zweifel said the conversation is just beginning regarding Missouri's mentally ill.

"We are working with community providers to decide how we can make smart investments for the mentally ill," he said. "This conversation is important to have. We want to support the work that is already happening."

Zweifel noted that sometimes the demand for service can be greater than a state's resources.

"We just want to do anything we can to supplement what we already are doing," he said.

Zweifel said the general assembly will have to be the ultimate decision maker on policy regarding Missouri's mentally ill, but said his office wants to invest money properly for the Department of Mental Health.